Tropical Limerence | Our hands
Limerencia Tropical
Tropical Limenrece brings awareness about Caribbean women’s realities, by documenting their personal stories. This project aims to create a safe space for women and celebrate those who fight for breaking the socials tabus imposed upon us. The process of casting each interviewee’s hands was documented as a type of performance where each woman interacts with the space to connect with nature, to heal, cleanse and reclaim their past.
The term Limerence was coined in 1979 by American psychologist Dorothy Tennov. This word is introduced to the scientific field to expand the study of the nature of love. Limerence aims to define a feeling as "an involuntary potentially inspiring state of adoration and attachment to a limerent object".
The psychology field limits the usage of the term Limerence to a relationship between two people but, I find that this term can certainly be applied to other types of relationships between communities, countries, and even systems of power. For this reason, I appropriate the term and try to define that type of obsessive and fetishistic relationship that manifests itself between the northern globe to the southern globe, tourism to the Caribbean, and patriarchy toward women. In the end, each of the victims of these systems coexists under a Limerent relationship.